Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How do I work???

Marley is still sleeping through the night. She has been sleeping from around 7:45pm until 6:30am or later. I know some people may think I am crazy but I kind of miss not getting up with her anymore. This week she has been taking her bottle at night, then staying up for a little while talking and smiling, but when she is ready for bed there is nothing eles that she wants. Daddy swaddles her and she is asleep within minutes.

This week Marley has still been trying to discover what she is all about. While in the bathtub last night, Rob had her sitting up playing and she was trying to reach for her toys, but she just hasn't quite got the hang of it yet.

Tuesday night, Marley was sitting on Rob's chest and trying to hit her foot with her hand, not realizing that she was the one controlling her foot as well. She would swat at her foot and when her foot would move she would look really confused, but she would try again. We sat there and watched her do this for a while and it was absolutely amazing...if we only knew what was going through that little mind of hers.

Marley has also discovered her tongue. She will sit there and lick her hand like it is an ice cream cone. She is just too precious. So many things to discover for such a small little one.

We just can't believe how much she has changed and some of it seems to have been over night. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital finally. We absolutely love every minute we get to spend with her; watching and learning as well. She definitely has her mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger.

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